3 Unexpected Summer Pet Health Risks

How to Keep Cats and Dogs Safe During Summer Fun

The long, sunny days of summer are perfect for outdoor fun with pets. Getting outside with our furry friends is good for them—and good for us. But along with the fun lurk some dangers to your pet’s health.

Some risks are well-known, like heat stroke from leaving animals in a parked car or paw injuries from hot pavement.

Let’s take a look at three less-expected risks to your pet’s health this summer, and what you can do to keep cats and dogs safe during outdoor activities.

Unexpected Risk #1: Picnic Table Scraps and Other Things That Shouldn’t Go In Your Pet’s Mouth

When those puppy dog eyes are pleading for a bite of your hot dog at the picnic table, it can be hard to say no. But table scraps aren’t good for your pet’s digestive tract. Veterinarians agree that cats and dogs need a carefully balanced diet. Feeding your dog or cat extra food can throw off that balance and lead to pet digestion problems.

While vets agree that a bite of plain cooked turkey or beef is ok as a special treat, these snacks are something the cat or dog owner should control. Make sure to tell others—especially kids—at your gatherings that they shouldn’t sneak your pet food. Ask for their cooperation in watching out for your pet’s health.

If someone gives your dog or cat inappropriate food anyway, or if your pet gets into something nasty in the yard, there are natural remedies that can help with digestive issues. Here are some of our favorites:

Parasite Dr. ™ for Cat and Dog Digestive Detoxification is an herbal supplement for pet digestive health. It promotes digestive health and detoxification, and reduces yeast overgrowth in the intestinal tract.

Natural Moves™ for Pets™ for Bowel Regularity is an herbal supplement for symptoms of constipation and bowel health in cats and dogs. It supports regular bowel movements and maintains digestive health.

Digestive Support™ for Cat & Dog Digestion is an herbal supplement for cat and dog digestive tract health and symptoms of gastritis. It supports functioning of stomach lining, esophagus and digestive tract and promotes GI tract health.

Unexpected Risk #2: Ear and Eye Health Problems for Pets Who Go Swimming

If your pet is a swimmer, they need extra attention to care for eyes and ears after time spent in the swimming pool, lake or ocean.

Based on how cat and dog ears are structured, it can be difficult for water to escape after pets go for a swim. The trapped moisture in the ear canal is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and yeast. This can lead to an outer ear infection, known as otitis externa, even in dogs who aren’t prone to ear infections.

Dogs with upright ears are at slightly lower risk than dogs with floppy ears, since bigger ear flaps trap moisture, but any breed can get an ear infection. Even otherwise healthy dogs are susceptible.

Prevention is the best approach for pet ear health. Establish a pet grooming routine that includes ear care after each swim session. Keep ears clean and watch for warning signs of ear problems such as scratching at ears, rubbing ears against the floor and excessive head shaking.

Pets’ eyes are also susceptible to problems after swimming. A body of water may harbor bacteria that can cause an eye infection, or debris can get stuck in the pet’s eye. Chlorinated water can irritate a pet’s eyes or nose, just like humans.

Left untreated, pet eye problems from swimming can get worse and even impact eye function. Sore, red eyes and serious eye disease can develop.

For pet owners whose cats or dogs like to swim, there are natural remedies that can help keep eyes and ears healthy. Here are some of our favorites:

Ear Dr.™ for Pet Ear Health is a natural herbal ear drop for ear problems in cats and dogs. The herbal ear drops soothe scratching and discomfort in pets’ ears, helping to keep ear canals clean and free of blockages.  

Eye-Heal™ for Healthy Eyes in Pets is a natural cleansing eye solution for visual health in cats and dogs. It is an herbal solution that soothes and cleanses the eyes, promotes healthy vision, and supports removal of debris.

Unexpected Risk #3: Pet Joint Health While Hiking, Walking and Playing

Summer is a great time to get out and hit the trails with your pet or have some long play sessions in the yard. Whether you’re going on a hiking adventure or a short trip to the dog park, it’s important to consider your pet’s joints and bones. Too much summer fun can lead to joint problems, especially in senior dogs and cats.

In dogs especially, joints take a lot of pounding. This can lead to injuries and joint health-related problems in dogs like joint pain, osteoarthritis and ACL tears. Natural supplements for joint health help protect your pet’s body from damage.

If your cat or dog is having problems with joints, there are veterinary medications available that can help with reducing pain and decreasing inflammation. Like any pharmaceutical, these anti-inflammatory medicines can have unwanted side effects.

For pet owners who prefer a safe, natural approach to joint care, there are natural joint support remedies that can help. Here are some of our favorite bone and joint supplements:

Muscle & Joint Support -S™ for Pet Strength & Mobility is an herbal supplement for healthy muscles and joints, supporting ease of movement in cats and dogs. It supports strong bones and healthy cartilage, and promotes natural ease of movement.

ComfyPet Pain Relief™ for Minor Aches and Pains is a homeopathic medicine that temporarily reduces minor discomfort in the muscles and joints. It reduces minor aches, pain and soreness due to injury or old age.


Summer is a great time to enjoy outdoor fun with your pet. Just make sure you take the necessary precautions to ensure you and your pet have a fun, safe summer.

Related Links:

Seasonal Stress and Your Pet https://petalive.blog/2018/12/03/seasonal-stress-and-your-pet/


  1. “Hold the Fries: Don’t Feed Table Scraps.” American Kennel Club AKC. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/hold-the-fries-dont-feed-table-scraps/
  2. “Feeding Table Scraps – Do or Don’t?” MyPet.com. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.mypet.com/pet-nutrition/table-scraps.aspx
  3. Burke, A. “Best Dog Food for Sensitive Stomachs.” American Kennel Club AKC. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/best-food-for-dogs-with-sensitive-stomachs/
  4. “7 Interesting Facts About Your Dog’s Digestive System.” PetMD. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/7-interesting-facts-about-your-dogs-digestive-system
  5. Callahan, L. “Four Steps to Keep Your Dog’s Ears Healthy.” The Grey Muzzle Organization. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.greymuzzle.org/grey-matters/wellness-care/four-steps-keep-your-dog%E2%80%99s-ears-healthy-lindy-callahan
  6. Racine, E. “Dog Ear Infections: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention.” American Kennel Club AKC. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/dog-ear-infections/
  7. Li, A. “Swimmer’s Ear in Dogs: What You Need to Know.” IHeartDogs. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://iheartdogs.com/swimmers-ear-in-dogs-what-you-need-to-know/
  8. “Canine Eye Health.” American Kennel Club AKC. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.akcchf.org/canine-health/your-dogs-health/caring-for-your-dog/canine-eye-health.html
  9. Eckstein, S. “Dog Joint Health: Pain, Osteoarthritis and Other Joint Problems.” Fetch by WebMD. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/features/dog-joint-health-pain-osteoarthritis-and-other-joint-problems#1
  10. “Dog Eye Infections: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment.” American Kennel Club AKC. Accessed June 23, 2022. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/dog-eye-infections/

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